Grand Marais, Upper Penninsula August 6January 14 | Velo Saint Friends invited us to join them in da UP for some relaxation on Lake Superior. So far, I think I’d rather like to stay (for the warm season).
mushrooms, soiled August 3January 14 | Velo SaintI’m always a sucker for mushroom photographs. Now everyone in the family points them out when we walk.
Food Group July 30January 14 | Velo SaintWhen produce comes in from our garden…I sometimes marvel at the interesting shapes, vibrant colors, and deep smells. I cannot help but offer a little photo shoot Thanks for the food and herbs that nourish our bodies.
growth July 14January 14 | Velo Saintfrom this sign near our campground, it was barely visible…but when looking from the top…
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